Tuesday, 15 July 2014

How to Get Rid of Gum in Your Carpet

It’s one of those things which make the heart of every house-proud homeowner sink; the sight of a big blob of sticky chewing gum ground into their beautiful carpet. Many people make the mistake of trying to tear the offending gum out with their fingers whilst it is still fresh and because of the nature of chewing gum this is one effort that will simply lead to frustration!

The gum will cling to each and every fibre whilst it is still soft and no amount of picking, pulling or poking will convince it to leave. There are many solutions to the problem of gum in your carpet and perhaps one of the most well known remedies is that of freezing the gum with a piece of ice and then chipping it away once it is frozen solid. This remedy can also work with clothing; the idea is that you place the clothing in a plastic bag and pop it into the freezer to become solid and then remove it manually.

The ice method is quite reliable but there are some even more effective methods out there; one of which includes quite bizarrely, peanut butter! Peanut butter contains an oil which will dissolve the chemicals in gum and make it more of a liquid consistency, which is excellent for stubborn remnants of gum which may remain after you have removed the main body of the gum.

Simply smear a little peanut butter on top of the gum and leave it for ten minutes to work its magic and then with a clean, damp cloth firmly lift the peanut butter and gum out of the carpet. If you do take this route you will also need to use a commercial carpet cleaner on the spot afterwards. Simply clean the area which has been covered in peanut butter according to the instructions on the carpet cleaner package.

Other versions of the peanut butter remedy are just as effective and they include peanut oil, olive oil and WD40. Dab a little of the substance on top of the gum and then remove with a clean, damp cloth. Once again it is important to use a commercial carpet cleaner on the spot afterwards.

The best remedy for gum on your carpet is of course to avoid the situation altogether as it is very awkward to get every last piece out, but if you have children or teenagers in your household then you will know that a blanket ban on chewing gum is not so easy to maintain!

Try to get to the chewing gum as quickly as possible because it is much easier to remove fresh chewing gum than it is to remove gum which has sat in place for any length of time. Always use a commercial carpet shampoo or spot cleaner after you are certain that you have removed all gum plus any residue that may have been left behind adhering to the fibres, if you find that one method does not work to your satisfaction then it will do no harm to try another.

From a personal opinion, I do chew gum but would never throw it on the street as some people do. Quite surprised really that the government haven't heavily taxed the makers yet..... because I would.

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